As the first and only Zero Trend Appraisal®, HealthHammer™ is a system for companies who want to accurately benchmark and fully achieve flat health costs over time.
HealthHammer is the only return on investment (ROI)-based health risk appraisal and management system with measurable results. In comparison, the typical employee wellness program has no data to show if it is even working.
HealthHammer measures, assesses, and trims employee health risks such as heart disease, diabetes, and depression before they become more dangerous and costly. HealthHammer provides:
•Instant results and scorecard without any delay for lab processing or
reports to be mailed. That means the health of your employees and your
bottom line can begin improving faster than ever before.
•Custom employee scorecard with overall health score.
•Organization Scorecard with key opportunities and avoidable costs.
•White-label and 100% rebrandable capability for health plans, health
systems and benefit firms who want to build their brand without sacrificing
•Ironclad data security, confidentiality, and HIPPA (Health Information
Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) compliance